Can You Conduct Your Own Colorado LLC Name Search?
Before establishing a Colorado LLC, all firms should do a Colorado business name search or colorado LLC name search.
In summary, you may search for a company or LLC in the Colorado Secretary of State’s business database using a variety of criteria, including name, trademark, trade name, ID number, or document number. You may narrow down the search results using an advanced search by providing as much information as you can.
If you have any doubts regarding the originality of the entity name you’ve picked, you may find this tool to be quite helpful before registering. If you decide to use this entity search option, you will also be able to see comprehensive information on each firm that the Colorado Secretary of State has on record.
In the Colorado Business Entity Search tutorial below, we’ll explain how to determine whether an LLC name is available.
Follow Colorado Naming Guidelines
Before you finish your business name search, we advise checking sure your name complies with the rules.
The first and most crucial step in forming an LLC is selecting a business name. Make sure the name you select conforms with Colorado’s naming regulations and is simple to find online for prospective customers.
Your name must contain the words “limited liability corporation” or one of its acronyms in order to comply with these naming requirements (LLC or L.L.C.). Additionally, your Colorado LLC’s name cannot contain any terms that may be mistaken for those of a government agency (FBI, Treasury, State Department, etc.).
If you want a licensed person, such as a doctor or lawyer, to be a part of your Colorado LLC, you may need to submit additional documentation and avoid using restricted phrases (such as Bank, Attorney, or University).
Do a Colorado Business Name Search
The Colorado Business Name Availability Search can be used prior to submitting your name reservation request. The website will also ask you to check the Colorado Business Database to see whether the name you choose for your business entity is already taken.
Enter the desired name, excluding off identifiers like “LLC,” for the most accurate search results. All entities with the same or similar names will be returned by this. If your business name consists of many words, you may even limit your search to the first two words to guarantee that you find every name that might be similar.
Search Colorado SOS by Name, Trademark
Use the first empty bar on this webpage to enter your information. You may do a search using the business name, trademark, or trade name. Click the “Search” button at the bottom of the screen after entering the data in the box provided there.
A thorough list of the entities with the name you search will now be presented to you. By just clicking on these entities, you may learn more about them. The following details will be sent to you straight from the results page: ID number, Document number, Name, Occasion, Status, Form, and Date of Formation.
Here, you will have access to a variety of useful features, including the ability to buy a Certificate of Good Standing, as well as a summary of all the public information about your business.
Colorado Business Name Search by ID or Document Number
Enter the ID number or document number in the second empty area on this webpage. Just below the area where it asks for your “Business name, trademark or trade name,” there will be a smaller bar. Click the Search button at the bottom of the screen after entering your information to start your search.
You will see the information below in the search results that are displayed to you. To reach the page with the business details, click on the ID number: ID number, Document number, Name, Occasion, Status, Form, and Date of Formation.
This page will provide all publicly accessible business information. The links located under the business summary windows will also allow you to carry out a variety of operations.
Advanced Search in Colorado
Click the Advanced search link on this website, which is about halfway down the page.
Please fill out as much information as you can on the following page in order to refine your search results and locate the relevant entity as fast as possible. Click Search once you’re ready.
After that, you will be sent to a results page with information on the companies that match the terms of your search. Any of these results can be clicked for further information.
On this last page, there will be a summary of all the information that is publicly accessible and on file with the Colorado Secretary of State. Additionally, you will be able to complete a variety of other duties, see the filing history, and obtain a Certificate of Good Standing.
Colorado corporation search name status
It is a good idea to click “search the company database” even if the result we receive states that the name is accessible. The Colorado Secretary of State might not agree with your choice of name if there is another name that is similar.
There are other names that are similar to this one, some of which are unsettling. We may frequently exclude those listed as “Expired,” “Voluntarily Dissolved,” or “Delinquent” by looking at the “Status” field. We do wish to pay more attention to those who are “Effective” or “Good Standing.”
It is doubtful yet probable that the name is accessible given the number of results that are similar. In this instance, it would be best to verify with the Colorado Secretary of State for confirmation before filing.
The Colorado Secretary of State does not register business names for sole proprietorships or partnerships, therefore they do not have to be unique. This is something to bear in mind as business names for these entities are not required to be unique even if each Corporation and LLC name must be unique. Consider registering a trademark to safeguard the name of your company.
Search Available Domain Names
Whether or not your preferred web domain name is available should be taken into account while choosing a business name. It’s crucial to have a URL that accurately reflects the name of your company. This apparently insignificant action can have a significant impact on how potential clients discover your business entity.
Use your favourite domain registration, such as GoDaddy, to do an internet search to find out if your desired URL is accessible.
Reserve Your Colorado Business Entity Name
The Colorado Secretary of State’s Business Organizations Division responds to all questions and requests about LLC names.
A Statement of Reservation of Name must be submitted online in order to reserve a business name. It is possible to reserve an available business name for 120 days. There is a filing fee that you must pay in order to reserve the name of your business organizations.
While reserving the name for your LLC is simple, there are several additional considerations you should make when deciding on the ideal name for your business. To check if your name may be used online, you could wish to do a trademark and social media search. By doing this, you may make sure that you can use your business name without limitations.
Trademark Search
Before registering, conducting a trademark search on your business name of business organizations and any related slogans or emblems will help you avoid expensive future lawsuits. If you later learn that another business has trademarked your business name, you are not immediately forbidden from using it.
To ensure you do not unintentionally violate anyone’s intellectual property rights, it is crucial to be aware of who is using the name, what business they are in, and where they are situated.
To complete this step, conduct a trademark search in Colorado to determine whether your business name or any associated slogans, logos, or other items are being used by another business in your state. You should also conduct an electronic search of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s records to find any federally registered trademarks connected to your business name.
Social Media Search
Making sure your business name is accessible for usage on social media platforms is just as crucial—if not more so—than choosing a domain name that matches your operation. To achieve this, use a program like Namecheckr to simultaneously search on all major websites for your business name.
How Do I Reserve an LLC Name in Colorado
For a $25 registration fee, it is simple to reserve a business name on the website of the Colorado Secretary of State. Your name will be held in reserve for 120 days as a result of the name reservation. A renewal option is offered if more time is required.
Register Colorado Business Entity, or Reserve Name
The website of the Colorado Secretary of State allows business owners to register a new business entity.
Alternatively, you may register with business like Northwest Registered Agent, Incfile, or ZenBusiness, which can handle the filings for as cheap as $0 plus state filing costs.
Register TAX ID/EIN with the IRS
A firm is identified for tax purposes by its nine-digit EIN number. Consider it the social security number for companies. A limited liability company (LLC) can quickly and simply apply online for an EIN. Swyft Filings’ Tax ID registration cost is $79 for Colorado firms.
Create a Logo
Businesses with outstanding logos impress clients, help them stand out from the competition, and help clients recall your distinctive services in a favorable way. This is similar to choosing a good business name.
It is simple to get a logo from Fiverr in 24 hours or less thanks to the rise of freelance marketplaces.
Write a business plan
Writing a business plan may assist in organizing the thoughts of business owners and provide a roadmap for companies to follow. A well-written business plan makes an excellent first impression on investors and promotes responsibility.
With over 500 sample plans to pick from, the business plan software may help make the process simple.
Open a business bank account
Businesses are obliged to have a business bank account because it helps keep personal and corporate funds separate. Additionally, it helps establish corporate credibility in the event that future business expansion loans are required.
Online banks Lili and Novo are experts in collaborating with independent contractors and business owners.
How can I find out whether a Colorado LLC name is already in use?
To check if your business name is available, use the Colorado Name Availability Search tool.
Should I name my LLC after myself?
Although there is no prohibition against doing so, most professionals advise against it.
One advantage of forming an LLC is the freedom to name your business organizations differently, which may give it a more polished appearance.
What terms are prohibited from Colorado LLC names?
Words that suggest the firm is a banking or financial institution or that it is associated with a municipal, state, or federal government agency are typically prohibited from being used in business names.
Additionally, no terms that might contravene Colorado state law may be used in Colorado LLC names (e.g., obscenities, references to illegal activities, etc.).
What is a brand name?
A firm may give a product or series of items a brand name. It could be the same as the name of the business or something else.
Should my name include LLC in it?
Yes. The word “Limited Liability Company” or one of its acronyms (such as LLC or L.L.C.) must appear in the legal name of an LLC in Colorado.
Can my business name in Colorado be different from my LLC name?
Some businesses opt to conduct business under a moniker other than their official name. In Colorado, this is known as a trade name or a “doing business as” (DBA) name.
LLC trade names must be registered with the Colorado Secretary of State.
Does my LLC need a DBA name?
Unless it intends to conduct business under a name other than its legal name, your LLC does not require a DBA name.
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